If a script exception is thrown, runScript() outputs the source code followed by the stack trace and throws a ServletException to stop the execution of the JSP page. 如果抛出脚本异常,runScript()将输出源代码,其后是堆栈跟踪,然后抛出ServletException终止执行JSP页面。
Even if the present, the match does not stop changes the page. 即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。
They didn't stop spilling for almost an hour, as we drove across Kansas and my petition for peace stretched into page after invisible page of supporters. 几乎一个小时中,我不停地脱口而出。我们开车横越堪萨斯,我的和平请愿书延展成看不见的一页页支持名单。
You cannot enjoy a story if you stop half a dozen times on every page in order to look up words in the dictionary. 必须养成通过上下文理解词义的习惯,就像我们在阅读母语的文章时,不认识的字可以不查字典一样。
Next I stop on a Chinese tourist information page that recommends sunglasses and a light raincoat for a spring visit to the Great Wall. 然后我发现了一个中国旅游信息的网站,推荐春天去长城的太阳镜和雨衣。
Each poem was a kind of answer, but as soon as the last full stop hit the page the result seemed inadequate. 每首诗都含有一种解释,当最后一个句号跃于纸上,答案却显得并不充分。
It is at that point that your text will stop when the main index page is viewed. 这时你的文本就会被切断,显示主要的索引页面。
The print job should stop printing the rest of the content on that page and the rest of the pages. 应立即停止打印作业,打印该网页上的其他的内容和页面的其余部分。
When you press the tab key, your tab will stop across the page at the distance that you specified. 按下tab键时,您的制表位将在页面上您指定的距离处停止。
Faced with too many choices, they just stop reading, or revert to the sports page. 面对太多的选择,他们干脆放弃阅读,或是转向体育版。